Lets be Real

Image1. Roads-Asians= safety

2. If Elián González was Mexican… They would have over nighted his ass to Mexico.

3. If you always date losers/assholes that treat you badly… It’s not them, it’s you.  Don’t blame all men/women you date, blame yourself.

4. The unwritten laws of society are clear. A woman may be accepted as straight if she comes back after experimenting.  As a guy… You’re gay… Like… Forever.

5. No one uses Hotmail/yahoo anymore. That’s so 2004.You’re showing your age.

6.  1990s>2000s: In the 90s, Gas was under a dollar, retirement funds were safe, wars were about a week long, and traffic camera lights didn’t exist.

7. No one really understands what white people mean by “hooked up”. Not even white people.

8. The “gay movement” is getting excessive. Gay commercials? Gay cartoons? Stop it.

9. In a race draft, black people would trade Chris Brown and Nicki Minaj …..for Estelle. We’re tired of them embarrassing us.

10. We don’t Facebook anymore, we twitter. There’s a once a day limit on updating your facebook status.

11. Florida’s a terrible place. Take note: Elián González, endless Hurricanes, Trayvon Martin, 2001 Recount, Casey Anthony, etc  etc.

12. Fidel Castro’s #winning. For the last four decades, he’s waken up every morning and held up his middle finger to America. Not only has the American government failed on numerous assassination attempts.. But he literally lives across the street. How many dictators can say that? (looks to middle east…). Think about this.

13. Jeremy Lin’s a great player. But in his rise to fame, his race was equally as important as his being from Harvard, sleeping on a couch, and averaging 20+ points per games for seven straight games. When have you ever seen an Asian point guard ball?

14. Allen Iverson + Shaq = Lebron James.

15. Pre Carter II Lil Wayne > Post Drought III lil Wayne.

16. Reagan<George Bush<Mitt Romney<Rick Perry<Ron Paul.

17. Stop using a mouse with your laptop when you don’t have to. Again, you’re showing your age. (30+)

18. We’ve got to stop claiming every person that’s passed away is ” in heaven, looking down”.  Not everyone’s going to the same place….

19. Tyler Perry is a modern day Sambo.

20. Michelle Obama > Beyonce



-The Credible Hulk