The President Is Gay, And Black Folks Hate It, Yo.

Two weeks ago, President Obama affirmed his support for same-sex marriages. This is the first time a president of these United States has ever held this position, and his affirmation is said to be a polarizing topic amongst voters in the upcoming election. In short, President Obama runs the risk of losing votes (and the presidential election) simply because he feels same-sex marriages should be allowed.


Apparently, potential supporters, moderates, independents, men, women, Latinos, Whites, Asians, and everybody in between…including African Americans (smh) are flipping the script on “Mr.” Obama (folks be forgetting to respect the Big Hommie when they want to complain about him…they be forgetting to put “President” in front of his name like he ain’t squat!). It isn’t entirely clear why folks are up in arms about this issue. What is clear is that Middle America still has trouble accepting the LGBTQ community. It seems as though gays and lesbians aren’t worthy enough to enjoy the benefits that the constitution provides. It looks like folks forgot the real reason why they voted for President Obama, or “Young BARAKA!” as I like to call him. And judging by the public’s reaction, I guess people only voted for him because he initially didn’t support same-sex marriages. I mean heck, they’re actively not voting for him (or claiming that they wont vote for him- you know folks be acting all wishy-washy) because he changed his mind.

“I am going to do all that I can to influence as many people as possible to think for themselves and allow the God of Christianity and the teachings of Christianity to have more influence in their lives than any person who may be holding any political office, even if that office is the presidency of the United States of America. This particular decision I find appalling, and I could not disagree with the president more on it.”


“A USA Today Poll showed that slightly more than half of Americans agreed with the president’s decision. A scientifically valid breakdown of African-Americans was not available, but past polls have shown blacks generally opposed to gay marriage.”

Huffington Post

Could the President be in trouble? Who knows? Facts show that 95% of Black folks voted for Young BARAKA!. Doing some quick math, if Blacks make roughly 13% of the American population, that means 12.35% of Black folks voted for the President. And of course, this is assuming that all Black folks voted (All of us didn’t vote. Kids can’t vote, and neither can felons- please refer to incarceration facts on black men. And then some folks simply didn’t vote. Smh 2x). Oh Yeh…in case you didn’t realize, Blacks didn’t vote BARAKA! into the white house. #facethefacts

Let me first start by saying that I’m not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to LBGTQ issues, so all of this is somewhat new to me. But I believe I know enough to give a valid opinion…. So before you send hate mail my way, chill out, yo. With that being said, I find it somewhat irritating to read and hear comments against gays and lesbians by the black community and the general community at large, but especially the black community. If I’m not mistaken, there was a time (like….50 years ago) when African Americans didn’t have rights. There was a time when the American community did not accept African Americans. There was even a time when interracial marriages were disallowed (Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967)). So why are Black Folk trippin when others are trying to get a piece of the American Pie? We all can’t be George and Weezie? Where’s the compassion, people? Where is the symbolic hand on the chest “I feel you, mayne” gesture? Where’s the love? #JiggaShrug. I am in no way asserting that struggles the LGBTQ community face are the same as African Americans, but one can’t deny the similarities among the two. I could go back and forth about the similarities vs. dissimilarities, but I don’t have time for all of that. For me, it boils down to the Constitution and what it promises. If the Constitution of The United States claims that all men are created equal, then The United States damn sure better start treating folks equally. I mean-that was the premise of the Civil Rights Movement (refer to Brother King’s “I have a dream“ speech”). Therefore, “Don’t write checks that your ass can’t cash.” It’s time to keep your word, America. Allowing African Americans to vote, and gays to marry is the right step in upholding the integrity of this nation’s Constitution.

I’m fully aware of the religious implications this may have, and I can’t argue against it. Frankly speaking, I don’t agree with same-sex anything when it comes to religion. But I, like many Americans, know how to separate church from state. Again, if you say, “equal rights” then give equal rights without imbedding deeply rooted religious beliefs into it. AT LEAST don’t have a federal law prohibiting same-sex marriages (Defense of Marriage Act-1996; “DOMA”). The states are more than capable of making this decision without the government forcing us to accept this definition. By repealing/amending DOMA, same-sex couples can enjoy basic privileges that all Americans who are in serious committed, and legal marriages can enjoy; insurance benefits, social security survivor benefits, and federal income tax benefits. None of these benefits impeded on anyone’s religious beliefs…. at all.

Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of folks who understand and/or support the President, myself included. Many articles, like the ones I’ve referenced in this post, infer that portions of the Black community are riding with President Obama on this. Pastors and the NAACP are still jamming Young Jeezy on the regular. Yet, I continue to hear how Pastors and community leaders are urging blacks not to vote because of BARAKA!’s beliefs. Really, yo? For real, fam? That’s how we gon do this, b? Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but anyone who encourages African Americans not to vote should be flogged with hot coal stones. That’s just FN ridiculous! Do not- I repeat- DO NOT walk these streets trying to push US back into the archaic days of old, when we didn’t even have a choice to vote. That’s worse than little Black kids saying they don’t want to go to school…or is it? #ForshadowingMyNextPost

In closing, lower your voices, (Black) America. This isn’t so bad. I guarantee that you’ll be able to practice your religion tomorrow, the next day, and the next day after that. I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to enjoy Constitutional rights just like you have been in the past. But we live in a progressive society where things are ever changing. And the best part about it is that we are capable of finding a common ground to make it all work. It’s going to be a process, but it won’t kill us. It won’t crumble the noble, American ideals that we love. It’ll only enhance our country’s value as the land of opportunity where folks from all walks of life can have a chance to live their lives to the fullest…So to My African American family, chill out, yo.

“When it comes to rights represented by the [government], I think it’s very important to make sure everybody is treated fairly and equally.” {paraphrased}

President Barak Obama; The View

Preach on Young BARAKA!. “Preeeach”- 2 Chainz

-Mr. Word Smith-

Update on June 2, 2012: The 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston said the 1996 law deprives gay couples of the rights and privileges granted to heterosexual couples. Therefore, a portion of DOMA may be erased from the law books if the Supreme Court affirms this decision. Progress is the best process.

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