Uncle Tom or Uncle Ruckus

The phrase “Uncle Tom” has also become an epithet for a person who is slavish and excessively subservient to perceived authority figures, particularly a black person who behaves in a subservient manner to white people; or any person perceived to be a participant in the oppression of their own group- Wikipedia

Well, I’m black now. So the first thing I did was quit all my jobs. I dunno how I’m supposed to pay the bills… Probably have to start selling crack. Or rapping. Or rapping about selling crack. – Uncle Ruckus


I’m black, poverty raised, K-12 was a joke, college day’s swiftly passed, and I am the first to graduate from college in my family. My first car was an 85 Cutlass, I had two gold grills, and a beautiful shot gun in my trunk at all times. I have been shot at, had a gun put to my temple, and broke a few bones in a pointless fight. Coming up I was proud to say I was a “Hood Nigga” simply because that was all I knew. But then it happened; College. Ohhhh but not any College, one of the most prestigious Universities in America! Yeah, I did that. I was dumbfounded by the knowledge that my peoples back home were missing out on but apprehensive to share the knowledge because I was now viewed as the other. A threat….

I have always wondered why black men who break away from the social norms of the black community are characterized as Uncle Toms. In looking at how the phrase is defined, I am still a little confused as to how it was chosen as the marquee insult for progressive black men who value education, and possess ambition, and drive. In my opinion, a lot of my fellow African Americans lack “Smart Goals.”

Now let me state this….Although I am educated, I am by no means the smartest or most cleaver. I wake up and put my boxers on one leg at a time just like anybody else. There is nothing special about me. I have poor grammar and still look for short cuts. However, I have seen both sides of the fence and unfortunately the grass is greener on the other side of a degree.

Before you start judging lets clear the air. I think a degree is a rip off. Find a trade, something your good at, and pour your passion into it. One day it will flourish but it will take time. I just took the short cut. If you can’t beat them join them. There is truth in the saying “It’s a white man’s world”

I love my people. Look at our history, our struggle, and our perseverance. In no way am I the oppressor of my people or am I subservient to white America. It’s like the new age black folks have forgotten the struggle, blood, sweat, and tears that many black people fought for simple rights we take for granted. However, when I try to speak to that point around the homies back home, I am called an Uncle Tom. I just play the game. I play to win.

This brings me to my next point, although I love my people, it’s a love hate relationship. It’s like they want to see me fail when all I want is to see them/us rise. We do some ignorant shit though. Shit that makes you think….well damn….these negros are some coons. Although not as extreme I share some common ground with Uncle Rukus. I am not going to go into detail on who he is. I will leave that to you to google him if you don’t recognize the name.

His character is known for highlighting every stereotype that is known about black people. They are never good ones, all bad. But numbers don’t lie and stereotypes are backed by numbers and calculated percentages. Read up on some of our stereotypes and then check the news. Are you’re a living walking stereotype? How valid is the Medias perception of us? I mean, think about it, in order for it to be caught on camera….it had to happen. They aren’t making this shit up, there aren’t any special effects….that’s real blood, violence, and ignorance spreading like a wild fire across the internet.

In closing, just as much as I hate the luxury of white privilege that white culture embodies, I hate our lack of culture and desire to challenge white privilege. I am not an extremist, racist, or politically inclined individual by any means. Just as a mother and father want to see their child do better than them I want to see my people do better in all arenas of life. Regardless of what anybody says. I’m proud to be black and I still put on for my city. We just need to play the game (PTG) and play to win! Holla at cha boy….


-Mr. Juxtapose

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